S.I. No. 78/1928 -- Weights and Measures (Departmental Fees) Order, 1928.
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No. 78/1928:
| | THE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (DEPARTMENTAL FEES) ORDER, 1928, made by the Minister for Industry and Commerce, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, on the Eleventh day of December, 1928, determining the fees to be taken by the Minister for Industry and Commerce under the Weights and Measures Acts, 1878 to 1928, and the Gas Regulation Act, 1920.
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| | 1. The Minister for Industry and Commerce, under the powers conferred by sections 8 and 15 of the Weights and Measures Act, 1889, sections 6 and 8 of the Weights and Measures Act, 1904, sections 12 and 14 of the Gas Regulations Act, 1920, and
section 15
of the
Weights and Measures Act, 1928
, hereby determines with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance that on and after the eleventh day of December, 1928, the fees to be taken by the Minister for Industry and Commerce shall be those set out in the Schedule hereto, in substitution for those hitherto determined.
| | 2. This Order may be cited for all purposes as the Weights and Measures (Departmental Fees) Order, 1928.
| | 3. In the Schedule to this Order " Minister " means Minister for Industry and Commerce.
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| | PART A.
| | Fees to be taken under Sections 8 and 15 of the Weights and Measures Act, 1889, and
Section 15
of the
Weights and Measures Act, 1928
, in respect of the comparison and verification of local and other standards.
| | |
| |
| | |
£ |
Set of Weights, 56 lbs. to one grain ; per set
3 |
0 |
0 |
Single weights; each
Smaller sets than those defined, not less than 10 in number—each weight
Weights above 56 lb.—each weight
Balances; each
| |
| | |
£ |
Undivided measures of length; each
5 |
0 |
Sub-divided measures of length; each
10 |
0 |
| |
| | |
£ |
Bushel, half-bushel, and peck; per set
1 |
0 |
0 |
Gallon to quarter-gill; per set
2 |
0 |
0 |
Measures not included in above; each
5 |
0 |
| | Double the above fees to be charged for graduated measures.
| | Metric weights or measures to be charged the fee in the above table appropriate to the equivalent in weight, measure, or capacity, therein set forth.
| | For sub-standards one-half the above fees shall be payable.
| |
| | |
£ |
(a) Not exceeding 5-6 cubic feet
3 |
0 |
0 |
(b) Above 5-6 and not exceeding 10-11 cubic feet
5 |
0 |
0 |
(c) Above 10-11 and not exceeding 20-21 cubic feet
7 |
10 |
0 |
| | Standard gas holders must be tested in situ, and the expenses of the officer of the Minister are payable in addition to the foregoing fees.
| |
| | |
£ |
s. |
d. |
(a) Not exceeding 120 cubic feet per hour
3 |
0 |
0 |
(b) Above 120 and not exceeding 600 cubic feet per hour
5 |
0 |
0 |
| | PART B.
| | Fees to be taken under Section 8 of the Weights and Measures Act, 1889, in respect of the comparison and verification of weights and measures, and on the examination and testing of weighing and measuring instruments, other than the comparison and verification referred to in Part A of this Schedule.
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| | |
s. |
d. |
(a) Any weight or measure
5 |
0 |
(b) Any weighing instrument
10 |
0 |
(c) Any measuring instrument with respect to which no application for a licence has been made under sub-section (2) of
Section 11
of the
Weights and Measures Act, 1928
10 |
0 |
(d) Measuring instruments in respect of which an application for a licence has been made under sub-section (2) of
Section 11
of the
Weights and Measures Act, 1928
| |
| | |
s. |
d. |
Any water meter
5 |
0 |
Any other instrument; for the examination and test prior to the grant of the licence
20 |
0 |
(e) Measuring instruments (other than water meters) in respect of which a licence has been granted under sub-section (2) of
Section 11
of the
Weights and Measures Act, 1928
For the examinations and tests of each instrument subsequent to the grant of the licence, required under the Weights and Measures (General) Regulations, 1928, or the conditions of the licence, an annual fee after the expiration of the first year of the licence of
10 |
0 |
| | PART C.
| | Fees to be taken under Section 6 of the Weights and Measures Act, 1904, and Section 12 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, in respect of the examinations and tests made under these sections.
| |
£ |
s. |
d. |
Not exceeding 1 yard, or 1 metre
5 |
0 |
0 |
Exceeding ,, ,,
7 |
10 |
0 |
II—MEASURE OF CAPACITY OR VOLUME, including only measures which are complete in themselves, and of a definite capacity capable of being explicitly denominated :
(a) Not exceeding 1 pint (or ½ litre)
3 |
0 |
0 |
(b) ,, 1 gallon (or 5 litres)
5 |
0 |
0 |
(c) ,, 10 gallons (or 50 litres)
7 |
10 |
0 |
(d) Exceeding 10 gallons (or 50 litres)
10 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
(1) Beam-scales
7 |
10 |
0 |
(For Beam-scales with Fan-scales, Difference Charts, etc., see Counter Machines.)
(2)Counter Machines :
(i) Without Fan-scales, Cylinder-scales, Difference Charts, or Price-Computing Charts :
(a) Capacity not exceeding 4 lb. (or 2 kilograms)
10 |
0 |
0 |
| |
| | |
£ |
s. |
d. |
(b) Capacity not exceeding 20 lb. (or 10 kilograms)
12 |
10 |
0 |
(c) Capacity exceeding 20 lb. (or 10 kilograms)
15 |
0 |
0 |
(ii) With Fan-scales, Cylinder-scales, Difference Charts or Price-Computing Charts :
(a) Capacity not exceeding 4 lb. (or 2 kilograms)
12 |
10 |
0 |
(b) Capacity not exceeding 20 lb. (or 10 kilograms)
15 |
0 |
0 |
(c) Capacity exceeding 20 lb. (or 10 kilograms)
20 |
0 |
0 |
(3) Steelyards (constituting complete instruments)
7 |
10 |
0 |
(4) Platform Machines, Dead-Weight Machines, and Weighbridges :
(a) Capacity not exceeding 10 cwt.
10 |
0 |
0 |
(b) ,, ,, 5 tons
15 |
0 |
0 |
(c) ,, ,, 20 tons
20 |
0 |
0 |
(d) ,, exceeding 20 tons
25 |
0 |
0 |
For above machines with Difference Charts, etc., £5 extra.
(5) Machines acting automatically, to weigh a succession of loads, or to deliver a succession of loads from bulk :
(a) Capacity not exceeding 7 lb.
15 |
0 |
0 |
(b) ,, ,, 112 lb.
20 |
0 |
0 |
(c) ,, exceeding 112 lb.
25 |
0 |
0 |
For above machines with Recording or Computing Charts or Mechanism £5 extra.
1. Measuring length :
(i) Without totalising or price-computing devices
10 |
0 |
0 |
(ii) With totalising or price-computing devices
15 |
0 |
0 |
2. Measuring capacity or volume :
Apparatus for delivering measured volumes of liquids, powders, or granulated materials—
(i) Apparatus, including a container of definite capacity, visibly filled by gravity feed—
(a) Capacity not exceeding 1 gallon
7 |
10 |
0 |
(b) ,, ,, 5 gallons
10 |
0 |
0 |
(c) ,, exceeding 5 gallons
15 |
0 |
0 |
Duplex, or multiple acting, 50 per cent. extra.
Measure sub-divided, per division, £1. extra.
(ii) Apparatus not including a container as described above—
| |
| | |
£ |
s. |
d. |
(a) Capacity not exceeding 1 gallon
10 |
0 |
0 |
(b) ,, ,, 5 gallons
15 |
0 |
0 |
(c) ,, exceeding 5 gallons
20 |
0 |
0 |
Duplex, or multiple acting, 50 per cent. extra.
If apparatus capable of delivering subdivisions of full charge, per division, £1 extra.
(iii) Attached totalising, recording, or computing devices, £5 extra.
Additional charge for sub-divisions limited to £5 for any one instrument.
3. Water Meters
5 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Gas meters :
(i) For pressure not exceeding 6 inches of water—
(a) Capacity not exceeding 120 cubic feet per hour
10 |
0 |
0 |
(b) Capacity exceeding 120 cubic feet per hour
15 |
0 |
0 |
(ii) For pressures not exceeding 100 inches of water—
(a) Capacity not exceeding 120 cubic feet per hour, measured at 5 inches pressure
15 |
0 |
0 |
(b) Capacity exceeding 120 cubic feet per hour, measured at 5 inches pressure
20 |
0 |
0 |
(iii) For pressures exceeding 100 inches of water—
(a) Capacity not exceeding 120 cubic feet per hour, when reduced to 5 inches pressure
20 |
0 |
0 |
(b) Capacity exceeding 120 cubic feet per hour, when reduced to 5 inches pressure
25 |
0 |
0 |
| | (1) The above fees cover (a) such examination and testing of appliances, with reference to the material of which and the principle on which they are constructed, as may be necessary to satisfy the Minister that the pattern is not such as to facilitate the perpetration of fraud ; (b) issue of certificate (where issuable).
| | (2) The application for examination must be accompanied by a clearly defined engraving or drawing, with detailed specification of the design and material, and such engraving, drawing and specification shall be retained by the Minister. A copy of the pattern may also be retained on deposit by the Minister, for such period as he may deem advisable.
| | (3) For patterns not included in the Schedule, fees will be fixed by the Minister with the approval of the Minister for Finance, according to the circumstances of the case.
| | (4) Where a pattern after submission is withdrawn for minor modifications, or where a pattern, after approval is subsequently modified in detail only, the Minister may, if he thinks fit, undertake the examination of the modified form, for one-half the normal fee.
| | (5) Where the Minister has been satisfied that the instrument of which a pattern has been submitted to him is of restricted use, in trade, a rebate not exceeding one-half the prescribed fee may be allowed.
| | PART D.
| | Fees to be taken under Section 8 of the Weights and Measures Act, 1904, and Section 14 of the Gas Regulation Act, 1920, in respect of examinations for Inspectors.
| |
| | |
£ |
s. |
d. |
Examination of a Candidate for Certificate of Qualification as an Inspector or ex-officio Inspector of Weights and Measures, or as an Inspector of Gas Meters
2 |
0 |
0 |
| | PART E.
| | Standards and other apparatus submitted to the Minister for examination, shall be delivered unpacked, and, if necessary, erected and adjusted, at the address directed by the Minister.
| | Where in the opinion of the Minister it is necessary to conduct the examination or test in situ of any apparatus to which reference is made in this Schedule, or where, at the request of an applicant, it is agreed to do so the expenses of the officer appointed by the Minister for the purpose, shall be payable in addition to the fee or fees prescribed.
| | The full fee is to be paid in every case where rejection follows a completed test, but a refund of one-half the fee may be allowed where rejection is based on a preliminary test.
| | For examinations or tests of apparatus not included in this Schedule, a fee will be fixed for each specific case by the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance.
| | By Order of the Minister.
| | Secretary.
| | Department of Industry and Commerce,
| | Eleventh day of December, 1928.
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