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16. In calculating the proportion of acid to a cubic foot of air, smoke, or
gases, for the purposes of this Act, such air, smoke, or gases shall be
calculated at the temperature of sixty degrees of Fahrenheit's thermometer,
and at a barometric pressure of thirty inches.[16A.(1) A person guilty of an
offence under this Act for which no express penalty is provided shall, subject
to subsection (2), be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one
hundred pounds.

(2) Where

(a)a person is convicted of an offence of the kind mentioned in subsection
(1); and

(b)it is shown to the satisfaction of the court that the offence was
substantially a repetition or continuation of an earlier offence by him after
he had been convicted of the earlier offence;

(i)one hundred pounds; or

(ii)twenty pounds for every day on which the earlier offence has been so
repeated or continued by him within the three months next following his
conviction therefor;

(3) Proceedings shall not be brought for any offence of the kind mentioned in
subsection (1) except by an inspector and with the sanction of the
central authority.]

S.17 rep. by 1964 c.16 (NI) s.18(16) sch.3; 1978 NI19 art.87(2) sch.7

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