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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FOYLE FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1952

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Procedure for disposal of boat or fishing engine seized.

64. Where a person, in exercise of powers conferred on him by this Part,
seizes in Northern Ireland, any boat or fishing engine, he shall, as soon as
may be, apply to a court of summary jurisdiction sitting for the petty
sessions district in which it was seized for an order for its disposal under
this section and thereupon the following provisions shall have effect:

(a)if, in the case of a boat, the court finds that, at the time of its
seizure, it had been, was being, or was about to be, used for a purpose which
under this Act is unlawful, the court shall order it to be forfeited;

(b)if, in the case of a fishing engine, the court finds that it is one the use
of which is prohibited by law, the court shall order it to be forfeited and

(c)if, in the case of a fishing engine, the court finds that it is a lawful
fishing engine which at the time of its seizure had been, was being or was
about to be, unlawfully used in any part of the Foyle Area, the court shall
order it to be forfeited;

(d)in any other case, the court shall order the boat or fishing engine to be
returned to the person who appears to the court to be the owner thereof.]

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