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Northern Irish Legislation

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24.(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 20 does not apply to the
dismissal of an employee from any employment if the employee

(a) was not continuously employed for a period of not less than [52 weeks]
ending with the effective date of termination, or

(b)on or before the effective date of termination attained the age which, in
the undertaking in which he was employed, was the normal retiring age for an
employee holding the position which he held, or, if a man, attained the age of
sixty-five, or, if a woman, attained the age of sixty;

(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the dismissal of an employee if it is
shown that the reason (or, if more than one, the principal reason) for the
dismissal was an inadmissible reason.

(3) The Department may by order add to, vary, revoke or exclude the operation
of any of the provisions of paragraph (1).

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