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33.Subs.(1) rep. by 1962 c.30 s.7(9) sch.1 Pt.I

(2) The authority mentioned in the eighty-fourth section of the County
Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877, shall amend the existing scale of
fees, costs, and charges to be paid to counsel and solicitors in ejectments
for nonpayment of rent in the Civil Bill Courts, so that the total fees,
costs, and charges in any such ejectment as between party and party shall, so
far as may be practicable and reasonable, not exceed the total fees, costs,
and charges between party and party according to the scale for the time being
in force of such fees, costs, and charges in ordinary civil bills, as if such
ejectment were an ordinary civil bill and the annual rent of the holding for
which such ejectment is brought was the amount sued for or recovered
respectively in such ordinarily civil bill. Such amended scale of fees, costs,
and charges may be amended from time to time by the same authority if in
practice it is found to be insufficient.

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