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Northern Irish Legislation

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Recovery of costs.

5. The party entitled to such taxed costs or such sum named by the committee
with such consent as aforesaid, or his executors or administrators, may demand
the whole amount thereof, so certified as above, from any one or more of the
persons liable to the payment thereof, and in case of nonpayment thereof on
demand may recover the same by action of debt in any of Her Majesty's Courts
of Record at ... [Belfast], ... In such action it shall be sufficient, in ...
Ireland, for the plaintiff to declare that the defendant is indebted to him in
the sum mentioned in the said certificate; and the said plaintiff shall, upon
filing the said declaration, together with the said certificate and an
affidavit of such demand as aforesaid, be at liberty to sign judgment as for
want of plea by nil dicit, and take out execution for the said sum so
mentioned in the said certificate, together with the costs of the said action,
according to due course of law: Provided always, that the validity of such
certificate shall not be called in question in any court.

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