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Northern Irish Legislation

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43.(1) A person who knowingly aids another person to do an act made unlawful
by this Order shall be treated for the purposes of this Order as himself doing
an unlawful act of the like description.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1) an employee or agent for whose act the
employer or principal is liable under Article 42 (or would be so liable but
for Article 42(3)) shall be deemed to aid the doing of the act by the employer
or principal.

(3) A person does not under this Article knowingly aid another to do an
unlawful act if

(a)he acts in reliance on a statement made to him by that other person that,
by reason of any provision of this Order, the act which he aids would not be
unlawful, and

(b)it is reasonable for him to rely on the statement.

(4) A person who knowingly or recklessly makes a statement such as is referred
to in paragraph (3)(a) which in a material respect is false or misleading
commits an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding #400.

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