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Northern Irish Legislation

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60.(1) If in the light of any of the Commission's findings in a formal
investigation it appears to the Commission necessary or expedient, whether
during the course of the investigation or after its conclusion,

(a)to make to any persons, with a view to promoting equality of opportunity
between men and women who are affected by any of their activities,
recommendations for changes in their policies or procedures, or as to any
other matters, or

(b)to make to the Department of Manpower Services any recommendations, whether
for changes in the law or otherwise,

(2) The Commission shall prepare a report of its findings in any formal
investigation conducted by it.

(3) If the formal investigation is one required by the Department of Manpower

(a)the Commission shall deliver the report to the Department, and

(b)the Department shall cause the report to be published,

(4) If the formal investigation is not one required by the Department of
Manpower Services, the Commission shall either publish the report, or make it
available for inspection in accordance with paragraph (5).

(5) Where under paragraph (4) a report is to be made available for inspection,
any person shall be entitled, on payment of such fee (if any) as may be
determined by the Commission

(a)to inspect the report during ordinary office hours and take copies of all
or any part of the report, or

(b)to obtain from the Commission a copy, certified by the Commission to be
correct, of the report.

(6) The Commission may if it thinks fit determine that the right conferred by
paragraph (5)(a) shall be exercisable in relation to a copy of the report
instead of, or in addition to, the original.

(7) The Commission shall give notice of the place or places where, and the
times when, reports may be inspected under paragraph (5).

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