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Northern Irish Legislation

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Provision in case of trustees.

15. Where the landlord is a person entitled to receive the rents and profits
of any holding as trustee, or in any character otherwise than for his own
benefit, the amount due from such landlord in respect of compensation under
this Act shall be charged and recovered as follows, and not otherwise (that is
to say):

(1)The amount so due shall not be recoverable personally against such
landlord, nor shall he be under any liability to pay such amount, but the same
shall be a charge on and recoverable against the holding only;

(2)Such landlord shall, either before or after having paid to the tenant the
amount due to him, be entitled to obtain from the county court a charge on the
holding to the amount of the sum required to be paid or which has been paid,
as the case may be, to the tenant.

(3) If such landlord neglect, or fail within one month after the tenant has
quitted his holding, to pay to the tenant the amount due to him, then after
the expiration of such one month the tenant shall be entitled to obtain from
the county court in favour of himself, his executors, administrators, and
assigns, a charge on the holding to the amount of the sum due to him, and of
all costs properly incurred by him in obtaining the charge or in raising the
amount due thereunder.

(4) The court shall, on proof of the tenant's title to have a charge made in
his favour, make an order charging the holding with payment of the amount of
the charge, including costs, in like manner and form as in case of a charge
which a landlord is entitled to obtain.

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