Registration Act 1617
1617 c.16
Anent the Registratione of reuersiones Seasingis and vtheris writis
Oure Souerane Lord Considdering the gryit hurt sustened by his Maiesties Liegis by the fraudulent dealing of pairties who haveing annaliet thair Landis and ressauit gryit soumes of money thairfore Yit be thair vniust concealing of sum privat Right formarlie made by thame rendereth subsequent alienatioun done for gryit soumes of money altogidder vnproffitable whiche can not be avoyded vnles the saidis privat rightis be maid publict and patent to his hienes liegis FOR remedie whereoff and of the manye Inconvenientis whiche may ensew thairupoun HIS Maiestie with aduyis and consent of the estaittis of Parliament statutes and ordanis That thair salbe ane publick Register In the whiche all Reuersiounes regresses bandis and writtis for making of reuersiounes or regresses assignatiounes thairto dischargis of the same renunciatiounes of wodsettis and grantis off redemptioun and siclyik all instrumentis of seasing salbe registrat . . .
It is alwayis declared that it sall not be necessar to registrat anye bandis and wreatis for making of reuersiounes or regresses vnles seasing pas in fauoures off the pairties makeris of the saidis bandis or writtis In the whiche cace It is ordaned that the samen salbe registrat . . .
The extract off the whiche Register sall mak faith in all caces except where the writtis so registrated ar offered to be improvin And gif it salhappin any of the saidis writtis whiche ar appoynted to be registrat as said is not to be dewlie registrat . . .. Then and in that cace his maiestie with aduyse and consent foirsaid Decernis the same to mak no faithe in Judgment by way off actioun or exceptioun in preiudice of a third pairtie who hathe acquyred ane perfyit and lauchfull right to the saidis landis and heretages but preiudice alwayis to thame to vse the saidis writtis aganis the pairtye maker thairof his heiris and successoures It is alwayes declared that this present Act sall nowayis be extendit to . . .
reuersiounes incorporat in the bodye of the Infeftmentis maid to the persounes aganis quhome the saidis reuersiounes ar vseit It is also declaired that gif anye renunciaciones or grantis of redemptioun whiche salhappin to be consignit in proces betuix pairties salbe registrat within thriescore dayes efter the daittis of the decreitis whereby the same salbe Ordaned to be gevin up to the pairties haveand right thairto The same salbe sufficient And to the effect the said register may presentlie and in all tyme cuming be the moir faithfullie keipit THAIRFORE Oure said souerane Lord with aduyis and consent foirsaid Statutes and ordanis the same registeris and registratiounes foirsaidis to be insert thairin to appertene and belang to the present Clerk of Register and his deputtis to be appoynted be him to that effect and decernis and ordanis the same Registeris to be annexed and incorporated with the said office And that the Clerk of Register present and to cum haue the said office as ane proper pairt and pertinent of the Clerk of Register his office . . .
AND OURE SAID SOUERANE LORD with aduyse and Consent of the estaittis Decernis and Declairis this present act to haue the force strenth and effect of ane decreit and statute of parliament whiche sall have force strenth and executioun according to the tennoure thairoff in all tyme to cum . . .