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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ALKALI, &C. WORKS REGULATION ACT 1906

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Prevention of discharge of noxious and offensive gas in alkali works.

2.(1) In addition to the condensation of muriatic acid gas as aforesaid, the
owner of every alkali work shall use the best practicable means for preventing
the escape of noxious or offensive gases by the exit flue of any apparatus
used in any process carried on in the work, and for preventing the discharge,
whether directly or indirectly, of such gases into the atmosphere, and for
rendering such gases where discharged harmless and inoffensive, subject to the
qualification that, on the basis of the amount of acid gas per cubic foot, no
objection shall be taken under this section by an inspector to any muriatic
acid gas in the air, smoke, or gases discharged into the atmosphere by a
chimney or other final outlet where the amount of such acid gas in each cubic
foot of air, smoke, or gases so discharged does not exceed the amount limited
by the last preceding section.

[(2) If the owner of any alkali work fails, in the opinion of the court having
cognizance of the matter, to use such means, he shall be guilty of an

Ss.35 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954; 1973 NI2 art.60(2) sch.4; 1978 NI19 art.87(2)

Condensation of acid gases in sulphuric acid and muriatic acid works.

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