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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> ALKALI, &C. WORKS REGULATION ACT 1906

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6.(1) Every sulphuric acid work as defined in paragraph (1) of the First
Schedule to this Act shall be carried on in such manner as to secure the
condensation, to the satisfaction of the chief inspector, of the acid gases of
sulphur or of sulphur and nitrogen which are evolved in the process of the
manufacture of sulphuric acid in that work, to such an extent that the total
acidity of those gases in each cubic foot of residual gases after completion
of the process, and before admixture with air, smoke, or other gases, does not
exceed what is equivalent to four grains of sulphuric anhydride.

(2) Every muriatic acid work as defined in paragraph (8) of the First Schedule
to this Act shall be carried on in such manner as to secure the condensation
to the satisfaction of the chief inspector of the muriatic acid gas evolved in
such work, to such extent that in each cubic foot of air, smoke, or chimney
gases escaping from the work into the atmosphere there is not contained more
than one-fifth part of a grain of muriatic acid.

[(3) The owner of any sulphuric acid work or of any muriatic acid work which
is carried on in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence.]

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